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the year of extinction of the Great Northern Sea Cow.

[[underline]] b. By Investigators not officers of the Museum. [[/underline]]

[[underline]] J.A. Allen [[/underline]] The Masked Bob-white [[underline]](Colinus ridgwayi) [[/underline]] of Arizona, and its Allies.
[[underline]] Bull. Amer. Mus N.H., i, 1886, pp.[[/underline]] 273-290 + pl. color. xxiii.
A full monograph of this species, including comparisons with allied species, in the preparation of which the author was materially aided by the loan of specimens in the National Museum.

Chas F. Batchelder. The North Carolina Mountains in Winter. 
[[underline]] The Auk, iii, 1886, pp. [[/underline]] 307-314
Two of the specimens of [[underline]] Junco hyemalis carolinensis[[/underline]]mentioned on

Transcription Notes:
Pages 591 (top sentence) and 564 (lower parts)