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[[underlined]] William Brewster. [[/underlined]] Additional Notes on Peale's Petrel ([[underlined]] Aestrelata gularis [[/underlined]]).
[[underlined]] The Auk, iii, 1886, pp [[/underlined]] 389-393.
[[underlined]] Aestrelata scalaris [[/underlined]] described as a new species and compared with the types of [[underlined]] Ae. gularis (Peale) [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Ae. fisheri Ridgw. [[/underlined]] belonging to the National Museum.

[[underlined]] William Brewster. [[/underlined]] Three New Forms of North American Birds.
[[underlined]] The Auk, iv, 1887, pp. [[/underlined]] 145-149.
The new forms are named as follows: [[underlined]] Symphemia semipalmata inornata; Phalaenoptilus nuttalli nitidus; [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Vireo noveboracecensis maynardi. [[/underlined]] The types of the latter belong to the National Museum, and additional museum material was also utilized by the author.

Transcription Notes:
reviewed and updated to reflect misspelling "noveboracecensis" -@meg_shuler Vireo noveboracensis maynardi 569