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[[underlined]] Mimocichla ravida; Quiscalus caymanensis; Spindalis salvini; Vireo alleni; Myiarchus denigratus; Icterus bairdi. [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Charles B. Cory [[/underlined]]. A List of the Birds collected in the Island of Grand Cayman, West Indies, by W.D. Richardson, During the summer of 1886.
[[underlined]] The Auk, iii, 1886, pp. [[/underlined]] 501-502.
Ennumerates 40 species. The National Museum acquired a number of them in exchange with Mr. Cory.    

W. Otis Emerson. Ornithological Observations in San Diego County. 
[[underlined]]Bulletin Calif. Acad. Science, II, 1887, pp.[[/underlined]] 419–431. 
Several of the specimens were identified by Mr. Ridgway from specimens sent to the National Museum for the purpose. 

Transcription Notes:
571 and 572