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[[underlined]] H.W. Henshaw [[/underlined]]. Occurence of Ammodramus caudacutus nelsoni in Massachusetts.
[[underlined]] The Auk, iii, 1886, p. [[/underlined]] 486.
Refers partly to specimens in the National Museum.

[[underlined]] Geo. N. Lawrence. [[/underlined]] Description of a New Species of Thrush from the Island of Grenada, West Indies.
[[underlined]] Annals N.Y. Acad. Science, vi, 1887, pp. [[/underlined]] 23-24.
The new species is named [[underlined]] Margarops albiventris [[/underlined]] The type belongs to the National Museum.     

[[underlined]] Geo. N. Lawrence. [[/underlined]] Description of New Species of Birds of the Families Sylviidae, Troglodytidae, and Tyrannidae. 
[[underlined]] Annals N.Y. Acad. Science, vi, 1887, pp. [[/underlined]] 66–68. 
The new species which are named [[underlined]]Regulus satrapa aztecus, Troglodytes [[/underlined]]