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(2) Description of a new species of Porzana from Costa Rica. (3 p MS "Proceedings", [[underlined]] P. alfari Ridgw. [[/underlined]] Named in honor of Mr. Anastacio Alfaro, collector of the type specimen, by request of Mr. José C. Zeledon.

b. By the Assistant Curator.

(1) Birds of Kauai Island, Hawaiian Archipelago, collected by Mr Valdemar Knuden, with descriptions of new species (87p. MS +2 figgs, To Editor "Proceedings", Jan'y 13.

[[strikethrough]] (2) [[/strikethrough]] New Species: [[underlined]] Himantopus knudeni; Chasiempis dolei; Ch. ridgwayi; Ch. ibidis; Phaéornis myadestina; Himatione parva; Oreomyza bairdi; n.g. & sp

(2) Notes on the Northern Palaéarctic Bullfinches (21 pp MS. To Editor "Proceedings" Jany 18,

Transcription Notes:
Probably referring to Valdemar Knudsen. Himantopus knudseni