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(4) [[underlined]]L. Stejneger,[[/underlined]] Bay Ridge, Md. - Collecting material.

(5) [[underlined]]H. K. Coale [[/underlined]], Chicago, Ill. - Specimens for examination.

(6) [[underlined]]Arthur Resler,[[/underlined]] Baltimore, Md. - Bird skin for examination.

(7) [[underlined]]R. Ridgeway,[[/underlined]] Gainesville, Va. - Collecting material.

[[underlined]]Minor routine work [[/underlined]]

Official letters written - 21.
"[[ditto for Official]] memoranda "[[ditto for written]] - 21.
Orders for work - 5.
Requisitions - 8.
Memoranda of packing - 9.
Invoices (triplicates) - 9.