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(Diamantina), belonging to Mr. C.B. Riker, of New York City - a collection of so much importance that, although not extensive, ^[[it]] contains no less than 13 new species and one new genus.

[[underlined]] Work of Taxidermist. [[/underlined]]

The following work was performed during September by the taxidermist, Mr. Henry Marshall:- 

Birds mounted - 36.

During the same time (deducting 4 days when absent on account of sickness in his family) the following work was performed by Mr. George Marshall:-

Mounted birds transferred to new stands - 218.
New stands put together - 68.
Mounted specimens made over into skins - 5.
Fresh "[[ditto for specimens]] skinned - 2.

Very respectfully,

[[signed]] R. Ridgway [[/signed
Curator, Department Birds.