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(3) Note on the generic name Uropsila 
Sce. & Salv. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Oct.26, 1 p. MS.). [Name [[underlined]] Uropsila [[/under-lined]] preoccupied, and [[underlined]] Hemiura [[/underlined]] proposed as a substitute.]

(4).  Remarks on [[underlined]] Catharus berlepschi Laur. [[/underlined]] Pp. 1 1/4, MS. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Oct.26). [Critical remarks, synonymy, etc.]

     b. [[underlined]] By the Assistant Curator [[/underlined]]

(1) How the Great Northern Sea-Cow [[underlined]] (Rytina) [[/underlined]] became exterminated (To Editor of The American Naturalist, Oct. 26, 1887.)

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