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[[underlined]]Special work accomplished[[/underlined]]

Under this heading may be specially mentioned the refitting of ten wall cases with adjustible shelves, and the transfer to them of a large portion of the exhibition collection of smaller birds, which have been wholly rearranged. These cases at the same time [[strikethrough]][[aren]][[/strikethrough]] were suitably painted, and the specimens in one case labelled with the new exhibition species labels, giving the English name of each species, in large type, scientific name, habitat, and other information desired by the interested public. The work of refitting the old cases with adjustible shelves and repainting them, is progressing, and the rearrangement of the collection follows after as speedily as possible.

In the way of special investigations, a collection of birds made at Diamantina, Lower Amazon, by Mr. C. B. Riker of New York