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City, was carefully worked up, the results proving unusually important, the novelties numbering no less than 1[[overwrite]]8[[/overwrite] ^[[9]] new species and two new genera. Nearly all the new species (which will be described in the "Proceedings"), have been presented by Mr. Riker to the National Museum.

[[underlined]]Work of Taxidermists[[/underlined]]

The following work was performed during October by the taxidermist, [[underlined]]Mr. Henry Marshall:-[[/underlined]]

Birds mounted - 36
"[[ditto for Birds]] skinned - 25

During the same time the following work was performed by [[underlined]]mr. George Marshall:[[/underlined]]

New stands put together - 439.
Mounted birds transferred to new stands - 134.
" "[[ditto for Mounted birds]] made into skins - 3.
Birds skinned - 21.
" "[[ditto for Birds skinned]] and mounted - 8.

Very respectfully yours,
[[signed]] R. Ridgway [[/signed]]
Curator Department Birds