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[[underlined]] Dr J. Amory Jeffries [[/underlined]], Boston, Mass.- 4 specimens, 3 species of Hummingbirds from California, Arizona, and Mexico.

[[underlined G. B. Sennett [[/underlined]], American Museum Nat. Hist., New York City. - 8 specimens [[underlined]] Rallus longirostris [[/underlined]], from Florida, West Indies, and Demerara.

[[underlined]] E. M. Hasbrouck [[/underlined]] Washington, D.C. - 1 specimen [[underlined]] Podilymbus podiceps [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]] Wm Brewster [[/underlined]] Cambridge, Mass. - 3 specimens, 3 species of [[underlined]] Empidonax [[/underlined]] from Mexico and Guatemala.

[[underlined]] Amos W. Butler [[/underlined]], Brookville, Ind. - 17 specimens, 12 species, being 11 Flycatchers from the West Indies, and 6 [[underlined]] Passerculus alaudinus [[/underlined]], from Mexico.

[[underlined]] b. In Exchange. [[underlined]]

[[underlined]] C. K. Worthen [[/underlined]], Warsaw, Ind. - 10 specimens, 1 species, from the United States, and Mexico.

[[underlined]] c. Worthless specimens destroyed. [[/underlined]]

6 specimens, 2 species, of northern Sea Ducks.