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Kirtland's Warbler ([[underlined]]Dendroica Kirtlandi[[/underlined]]), a very rare species, and one Grinnell's Water-Thrush ([[underlined]]Sieurus noveboracensis notabilis[[/underlined]]), both from the District of Columbia, and the first capures of the respective forms east of the Alleghanies.  Also four specimens, two species, of Flycatchers, from Michigan. (Gift).

[[double underlined]]C. W. Richmond[[/double underlined]], Washington, D.C., a mounted specimen of the Darter ([[underlined]]Anlinega anhinga[[/underlined]]). (Exchange).

[[double underlined]]Robert Ridgway[[/double underlined]], Washington, D.C., 15 specimens, 14 species, from Gainesville, Va. (Gift).

[[double underlined]]C. B. Riker[[/double underlined]], New York City., 43 specimens, 43 species, from the Lower Amazon.  Many of these are types of new species described by the Curator in the "Proceedings" of the Museum. (Exchange for determining the species in his collection).

[[double underlined]]José N. Rovirosa[[/double underlined]], 14 specimens, 13 species, from the State of Tabasco, Mexico.

[[double underlined]]Henry Seebohm, [[/double underlined]] London, England, 56 specimens, 22 species, mostly from the Old World.  This collection is a very interesting and valuable one, containing, as it does, many species from Asia and Africa hitherto unrep-