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The Assistant Curator, Mr. Leonhard Stejneger, has continued his studies of the splendid collection of Japanese birds belonging to the National Museum. During the year several large private collections from the same country have been received for examination, upon which extensive reports are still in progress of preparation. In connection with these studies he investiagted several groups of European birds with result of cleaning up several doubtful points. He has also reported upon two collections of birds from the Hawaiian Islands received during the year.

[[double underlined]] Present state and census of the collection. [/[double underlined]]

The present condition of the collection so far as the preservation of the specimens is concerned could not possibly be better. As to convenience of arrangement much improvement is to be desired, but this will be possible only when at least twice the amount of room is provided for its accommodation. 

It has ^[[not]] been possible to make an actual count of the specimens in the bird collection, but their number is