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a series of eight Eiders ([[underlined]]Somateria mollissima[[/underlined]]) as of special interest as offering a good material for comparison with the North American forms. A specimen of a [[underlined]]Leucosticti[[/underlined]], from Liberia, is also of particular interest (Exchange).

[[double underlined]]Wm Brewster[[/double underlined]], Cambridge, Mass.-- 3 specimens, 3 species, viz. a Green Heron from Lower California, a specimen [[underlined]] Aimophila sonorana[[/underlined]] nov. spec.; and an [[underlined]]Amphispiza quinquestriata[[/underlined]], both from Northern Mexico. 

[[double underlined]]Wm Brewster[[/double underlined]], Cambridge, Mass.- 94 
specimens, 25 species, all collected by Mr. M. A. Frazar in Lower California. This collection is an extremely interesting accession containing, as it does, large series of well prepared specimens of many rare species; thus for instance, 6 specimens of [[underlined]]Merula confinis[[/underlined]]; 12 specimens of