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Tropic-bird, from the Bahamas (Exchange).

[[double underlined]] Dr. C. Hart Merriam, [[/double underlined]] Washington, D.C.- Wing of [[underlined]] Euetheia canora [[/underlined]] collected by Mr. M. E. Spencer at Sombrero Key, Florida, the first specimen of this species obtained in North America (Gift).

[[double underlined]] A. Nehrkorn, [[/double underlined]] Riddagshausen, Braunschweig, Germany.- 67 specimens, 54 species, chiefly from Africa and the Malayan Archipelago. Nearly all the species were unrepresented in the museum and many are of great rarity and beautiful plumage, containing among others no less than 24 gayly colored Pigeons of which ][seven?]] species of the genus [[underlined]] Ptilinopus.[[/underlined]]

[[double underlined]] Dr. Adolf Miller,[[/double underlined]] Berlin, Germany.- 24 specimens, 21 species rare and interesting birds from Africa and the East Indies, for the Exhibition series. The Ground Hornbill [[underlined]](Bucorvus caffer),[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]Musophaga rossae[[/underlined]] deserve