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Vinal N. Edwards, Wood's Holl, Mass. - a large number of birds, in the flesh, of which 14 specimens, representing 8 species, mostly water birds, have been prepared.

[[double underlined]]Dr. B. H. Warren,[[/double underlined]] West Chester, Pa. - 63 specimens, 3 species, from Chester Co., Pa., being series of [[underlined]]Quiscalus quiscula[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]Agelaius phoeniceus[[/underlined]]. (Gift).

[[double underlined]]José Zeledon[[/double underlined]], San José, Costa Rica. - 3 Paradise Trogons [[underlined]](Pharomacrus costaricensis[[/underlined]]) in excellent plumage. (Purchased).

[[double underlined]]Zoological Society of Philadelphia,[[/double underlined]] through Mr. Arthur E. Brown.  A Lady Amherst Pheasant, an Australian Parrot ([[underlined]]Poephotus xanthorrhous)[[/underlined]] and a Demoiselle Crane, all in the flesh.  Also a specimen Javan Adjutant ([[underlined]]Leptoptilos javanicus[[/underlined]]) in the flesh.  All form valuable and interesting additions to the exhibition series. (Gift).