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Official Letters written - 326
" [[ditto for Official]] memoranda " [[ditto for written]] - 233
Invoices (triplicates) " [[ditto for written]] - 206
Monthly reports " [[ditto for written]] - pages MS. 114
Annual report " " " [[ditto for written]]- pages MS. - 74
Memoranda of packing " [[ditto for written]] - 135

In addition to the above, many hundred labels were written and proof corrected.

The taxidermists of the Department during the year performed the following work:

Birds mounted - 376
" [[ditto for Birds]] skinned - 122
Mounted birds made into skins - 955
" " [[ditto for Mounted birds]] transferred to new stands - 1733.
New stands put together - 1107.
Skins poisoned - 20
Large mounted birds repaired - 5

Transcription Notes:
All quantities are preceded by period leads so as to right justify the numerical entries.