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Short Notes on the Birds of Bayou Sara, Louisiana. ^[[<]]Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, Vol. VII, 1882, pp. 159-165.

[[strikethrough]](86 species mentioned).[[/strikethrough]]

The Black-throated Bunting in Florida. ^[[<]]Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, Vol. VII, 1882, p. 250.

A List of the Birds of Bardstown, Nelson County Kentucky. ^[[<]]Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. VI., pp. 136, 147. July 1883.

List of the Birds of Nelson County [Kentucky]. Kentucky Geological Survey. Sept. 1885.

Notes on Some of the Birds of Pueblo, Colorado. 

^[[<]]The Auk, Vol. II., 1885, 139-144.

[[strikethrough]] [Note on 91 species] [[/strikethrough]]

A white-winged Junco in Maryland. ^[[<]]The Auk, Vol. II., 1885, p. 306.

Remarks on the plumage of Regulus calendula.

^[[<]]Proc. U.S.Nat. Mus. Vol. VIII., No. 40, Dec. 1885, pp. 625-628.

Changes in the Plumage of Geothlypis trichas.

^[[<]]The Auk, Vol. III., 1886, pp. 279-281