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First Plumage of the Summer Tanager. ^[[<]]The Auk, Vol. III., 1886, p. 487.
[Here described for the first time.]

The Red-breasted Nuthatch in Kentucky in Summer. ^[[<]](The Auk, Vol. III., 1886, p. 489.

Scarcity of Adult Birds in Autumn. ^[[<]](The Auk, Vol. IV., 1887, pp. 79-80.

[[strikethrough]][Letter to Editor.][[/strikethrough]]

Additional Notes on the Birds of Pueblo County, Colorado. ^[[<]](The Auk, Vol. IV., 1887, pp. 120-125.

[The list published in a previous number (Vol. II., pp. 139 - 144) increased from 91 to 112, and "additional notes" given on 29 species mentioned in the first list.)

Additions to the Avi-Fauna of Bayou Sara, La.
^[[<]](The Auk, Vol. ^[[IV.]], 1887, [[strikethrough]] -- [[/strikethrough]] ^[[pp]]. 299 - 306.

[ [[strikethrough]]being[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Very]] interesting remarks on the birds of that locality, including 27 additions to an earlier list.  (Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, Vol. VII., 1882, pp. 159-165.)

Occurence of the Florida Blue Jay ([[underlined]]Cyanocitta cristate florincola[[/underlined]]) in Southwestern Texas. ^[[<]](The