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chiefly from South American and India. A very valuable collection, containing several species new to the collection: 34 specimens, 34 species, mostly [[underlined]]Old World birds, [[/underlined]] several new to the collection; 14 specimens, 14 species, of extralimital birds (Exchange): 46 specimens, 43 species, mostly [[underlined]] Old World birds, [[/underlined]] some of them mounted. The collection is valuable and interesting, contains several species new to the Museum. 

^[[checkmark]] [[double underlined]] Lieut. H.C. Benson, [[/double underlined]] U.S.A., Fort Huachuca, Arizona. 11 specimens, 6 species, of which may be mentioned 6 adults and [[underlined]] young Sialia azurea [[/underlined]] a [[underlined]] young Trogon ambignus [[/underlined]] in the first plumage. All from Arizona, and the head of a female [[underlined]] Imperial Wood-pecker (Campephilus imperialis) [[/underlined]] from Sonora, Mexico, a species of which the Museum as yet posesses no complete specimen, the above head being the first fragment of this magnificent bird to reach the Museum; 170 specimens, 70 species, chiefly from Southern Arizona, and a few from Sonora, Mexico. This collection is one of unusual interest