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Requisitions (house, ordinary) written .. 2
" [[ditto for: Requisitions]] ( "[[ditto for: house]] Cincinnati Expos.) " [[ditto for: written]] .. 2
" [[ditto for: Requisitions]] ( "[[ditto for: house]] Marietta Expos.) " [[ditto for: written]] ... 1
" [[ditto for: Requisitions]] (outside) " [[ditto for: written]] ... 2
Order for work ... 1
Invoices (triplicates) ... 6
Report for June ... 8 pages.

[[underlined] ]Work of Assistants [[/underlined]].

During the absence of the Curator, the Assistant Curator attended to the routine business of the department. 

Mr. J. S. Sessford was detailed for duty in the Smithsonian post office during the greater part of the month.

[[underlined]] Work of Taxidermists [[/underlined]].

Mr. Henry Marshall performed the