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returned to owner.

(6) [[underlined]]J. A. Allen,[[/underlined]] New York City. _ Bird skin for examination.

[[underlined]]c. Through International Exchange Department.[[/underlined]]

(1) [[underlined]]Rev. H. B. Tristram,[[/underlined]] Durham, England. _ Bird skins, one returned to owner, the other a gift from the Nat. Mus.

[[underlined]]Minor routine work.[[/underlined]]

Official letters written . . . . . 39
" [[ditto for: Official]] memoranda " [[ditto for: written]] . . . . . 30
Memoranda of packing " [[ditto for: written]] . . . . . 11
Requisitions ("house") " [[ditto for: written]] . . . . .  6
" [[ditto for: Requisitions]] ("outside") " [[ditto for: written]] . . . . .  5
Orders for work " [[ditto for: written]] . . . . .  6
Monthly report for January " [[ditto for: written]] . . .  pages 8
Invoices (triplicates) " [[ditto for: written]] . . . 24
Proof corrected (by Asst. Curat.), labels . . . 22
Labels for exhibition series written (by Curat.) 29
" " " " " [[ditto for: Labels for exhibition series written ]] (by Asst. Curat.) 160