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Mr. Henry Marshall was absent on sick leave during the greater part of the month (23 days); during the time he was on duty, he mounted 8 birds.

Mr. George Marshall performed the following work during March :-

Mounted birds transferred to new stands . . . . . 17
New stands made up . . . . . 30
Mounted birds repaired . . . . . 6
" " [[ditto for: Mounted birds]] made into skins . . . . . 12
Fresh birds skinned . . . . . 4
" " " [[ditto for: Fresh birds skinned]] and mounted . . . . . 1

Label-fastenings attached to specimens in three exhibition cases.

Mr. Nelson Wood during March mounted 26 birds, and was absent on leave 6 days.

Very respectfully
R. Ridgway
Curator, Department Birds