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road was good and Kennans' report favorable and we had bad weather at sea, our baggage had to be on horses. If the mountain road proved to be impassable my intention was to leave Dodd and Kennan, with the greatest part of the baggage, await in Lessnoi the establishment of the winter road and to go myself with the whale boat to Podkagernaya. from there I had to cross Penjinsk Gulf to Cape Taigauoss where I knew I would find reindeer Koriaks who could bring me to Ghijiga.

But this could be done only by fair weather and unfortunately soon after our departure arose a fresh breeze, which very soon increased to such a degree that I began to be anxious about the skin boat. A signal shown soon after proved their intention to land. At that time the whale boat was three miles from shore and though under reefed sails, she was running nicely over quite high seas,but we had to follow the "bagdara."

 We had much trouble by landing on account of the big surf and the inexperience of our Kamtchadal crew. All of us got wet through but at least nobody was hurt and our baggage and provisions were safe. We landed about thirty miles north of Lessnoi. After sunset the wind increased to a gale