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I have but little time to write and must reserve details of their strange life for some future occasion. Occasionally we met some Tchuktchi families, lived in their "yurts" - large deerskin tents with compartments - and always found them friendly, hospitable and intelligent. 
The settled, or seacoast, Koriaks, having lost for some reason or other their reindeer, have settled down in different points along the coasts of Perijinsk Gulf and Behring Sea, where they live on fish and seal meat.

The seal skin trade is principally in the hands of the settled Koriaks; it is a very important article in Eastern Siberia, where sealskin thongs are used for construction of sleighs, for reindeer, and dog harness, etc.

Reindeer Koriaks are generally good natured, honest and hospitable, to the reverse of the settled Koriaks, who are rough, thievish and disagreeable. Perijinsk Gulf tribes in particular are a lazy and a miserable set.

A stronger and a more efficacious representation of the Russian authority is badly needed throughout the country. The Russian dominion here is a pure mockery. The Koriak territory, Ghijiga and Anadyr districts are supposed to be under the control