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168 - 4:20pm
[[preprinted form]]
Blank No. 1.

The rules of this Company require that all messages received for transmission, shall be written on the message blanks of the Company, under and subject to the conditions printed thereon, which conditions have been agreed to by the sender of the following message,
O. H. PALMER, Sec'y. ^[[DH]]  J. H. WADE, Pres't.
[double line]]
Dated, ^[[San Francisco Cal 8]] 186^[[7]]
Received at ^[[Washn March 8]]
To ^[[S. F. Baird]] [[/preprinted]]
[[strikethrough]] 12970 [[/strikethrough]]
^[[Smithsonian Wash]]
[[image - circular postmark dated Mar 8 1867 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION]]

^[[Dont send Bishoff
Doubtful about his return
in our ships I write
by mail

Chas S. Bulkley
14 DST [[tel?]] ]]

Transcription Notes:
Didn't transcribe the full printed form since I assume it was a standard format (small print, etc.) Transcribed form.