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 to await orders from Major Abasa.

[[margin]] "H L Rutgers" [[/margin]]     The Bark "H L Rutgers" left here in May for Pugets Sound, whence having taken a cargo of Telegraph Poles and Lumber, including two framed houses, she sailed for Plover Bay; distributed her cargo and passengers with the other ships and sailed for Port Clarence, where she landed 1 house   3100 Telegraph Poles, Wine  Telegraph Material, 10,000 Rations and other stores in proportion together with thirty nine passengers The other house taken up on this vessel was landed and erected at Kelsey Station, Plover Bay.

[[margin]] "Nightingale" [[/margin]]     The Ship "Nightingale" with an assorted cargo of Stores and material having on deck the two steamers the "Wade" and "Wilder" sailed for Plover Bay where she found the Bark "Rutgers" and was soon after joined by the Steamer "Wright" and Bark "Golden Gate"   From Plover Bay the "Nightingale" proceeded to Port St Michael where she landed about twenty passengers with 7000 Rations and other stores in proportion. The Steamer "Wilder" was also left at this point having been towed thither by the "Wright" From St Michaels the "Nightingale" returned to  Plover Bay, thence to San Francisco via Petropavlovski, whither she went for despatches from Major Abasa and to bring Mr. Anassoff again to the United States.

[[margin]] "Golden Gate" [[/margin]]     The Bark "Golden Gate" with cargo of stores and Telegraph Material, and twenty passengers