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the Stanovai Mountains, thence down the river Oulia, through an easy route, with suitable timber.  The length of time necessary between the Amoor and Okhotsk is estimated in a letter from Mr Mahood, at from 1200 to 1300 miles. From Okhotsk to the River Viliga the route is west of the sea coast range, not far inland, and through a good country, well timbered, not even requiring clearing in some places.  Between the River Viliga and Ghijzgha, a distance of about 350 Versts or 230 miles, the country is barren and almost entirely destitute of trees,  This want can however be easily supplied with the assistance of a small steamer.

The length of time between Okhotsk and Ghijzgha is estimated by Major Abasa at about 1200 miles.  From Ghijzgha the route crosses the head of a small peninsula and reaches the River Alkan about 80 versts from its junction with the Penjiria.  Thence the route extends across a low mountain range, via the Shavatna River to the Myan, thence following this stream to the Anadyr River.  Crossing the Anadyr, the line follows its right bank to the landing at the mouth of the Abasa River emptying into the Gulf of Anadyr.  By following the route thus described there will be, between Ghijzgha and the junction of the Myan and Anadyr Rivers, only a distance of about 80 versts, over which it will be necessary to transport timber for poles.  There is no timber suitable for poles on the