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barking of dogs, and found ourselves in a short time well sheltered from the furious storm, that we had been obliged to face during the night.
 [[left margin]](10)[[/left margin]]    Here I found "Avaram"and the narts, that had been sent in advance with stores.
    Our dogs were exhausted, and there were only 150 fish to be procured in the place, and as I was told, that the snow was deep on the Myan river, I was afraid, that we would be obliged to abandon our project of exploring the lower Myan for the present.
        Afterwards, I obtained a fresh nart, and sending all our baggage with the poorest, two teams direct to Markova, started off with 3 light narts, taking 150 fish and intending to find some Wandering Kosaks that were said to be East of the Headwaters of the Myan, from whom I expected to purchase [[left margin]](20)[[/left margin]] deer meat sufficient to carry us through. Saturday April 16/28 we left Peushina at 6 o'clock A.M. pursuing the same  course Lieut Kennan did in his exploration of the Upper Myan and camped for the night in the valley of the Myan, which is, at this point, about 50 versts wide. It is entirely bare of trees of any kind, and seems