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be set, and they are now obliged to seek food from some other source.

During our delay, I went with Lieut Macrae and Avarum up the river to inspect a number of yurtes, offered me for sale, 16 of which I selected as being suitable for temporary shelter along the Anadyr river, during the construction of the line. Upon returning to Mar Rova, the same day. I received your note written from Peushina, saying, that you had been disappointed in obtaining dog food for me, so immediately sent. Mr Harder to Crepast to purchase from Salimir 6 poods of tobacco three of which I sent by the Cossack Tolstekin to purchase 120 deer more for dog food, and to engage 100 more to be driven to the mouth of the Olgan, for which I would settle upon their arrival.

It was my intention to move everything to the Myan, carrying all the men, I could possibly get, and about 10 narts, and near the mouth of the Olgan, where the line will probably cross the Myan river, construct a good house, which will not only