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men into working parties, or squads of 6 men, each of which selected a chief to whom I deliver provisions and instructions for his party. I set them all to work cutting logs to construct a house to protect ourselves and provisions from the coming rains, and by night had enough cut and hauled, in readiness to commence building the next day.

To save our deer meat for the dogs, as we did not know when Koschevin would arrive with more, in the night Mr. Smith and I went hunting, and succeeded in shooting enough geese to feed the whole party next day.

Saturday 14/26 May, two narts arrived from Koschevin, bringing 12 deer.

He did not obtain more on the Myan, but sent these back, and went to find some Kosaks, west of Penshina, from whom to purchase the rest.

Nothing had been heard or seen of the Cossack Tolstekin, since his departure from Mar Rova.