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be obtained.

We waited patiently until day before yesterday, June 7/19, when we found, that the water was only waist deep around the nearest yurtes, when I assembled all the men I could find, and commenced the work of constructing a raft.

Since then, the water has fallen very rapidly, and now the [[left margin]](20([[/left margin]]
yurtes are all above water, fortunately none having been swept away.

Last night we had completed one raft of eight yurtes, which Lieut Macrae will take to the mouth of the Krasnee, and will erect at suitable distances from each other, at, and below that point. The remainder of the yurtes are 30 versts up the river, where rafts are being constructed now.

We hope to leave here tomorrow evening, June 10/22d carrying six men to each raft, as they will be required in constructing the yurtes.

The two carbasses are finished, and will answer every purpose, but there was not enough time for the net Avaram was making, so I purchased another at a reasonable price.

[[left margin]](30)[[/left margin]] I had hoped to receive your despatches, before leaving Markova, so that I would know, what to rely upon, as now we rely entirely upon uncertainties, in fact if we accomplish anything, must do so.

Until we reach Vaccarava, we will probably have difficulty obtaining food for ourselves and men, but at that place we can get fish, also at the mouth of Myan and Baillee rivers.

Hoping to make more favorable reports in the future,

I remain Sir, Most respectfully, Your obedient Servant,

(Signed) R.J. Bush