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of the stream to try and get to the windward shore, but the winds are so changeable, and come on so suddenly, that we rarely succeeded.

While tied up we succeeded in catching quite a number of Bailey or White fish, from which the river derives its name, and one of the men overtook and speared a deer, that attempted to swim the river, so that, for the time being we had provisions enough.

At 3 oclock A.M. June 19 July 2, we left [[left margin]](10)[[/left margin]] the Bailey River ^[[where]] the Anadyr makes a large elbow, its course being about S.35[[degrees]] E. to Oochorstika.

This part of the river, for about 40 versts, is cut up into hundred of channels by innumerable islands, which made the navigation of our raft very difficult, as now the current was swifter, than we had met with before, being reinforced by the waters of the Bailey. Several times we barely escaped being smashed upon the points of islands, going at a very rapid rate and passing so near, that we could have jumped ashore.

It was very exciting travelling, particularly so, as none of us knew anything of this portion of the River, and we could not foresee the difficult places.

[[left margin]](20)[[/left margin]] This race continued about 6 hours, all of us being constantly required at the sweeps, when we were much relieved by striking more