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making quite a long and circuitous route: so it appeared to both Lt. Macrae and myself, but a closer examination may prove this right bank to be another island, of which we could not judge with certainty, as the whole country is cut up with platoks. I desired to make a more accurate survey, but was compelled to postpone it for the time being, as we were approaching the mouth of the Krasnee, where we intended to leave another house, and we were all required at the sweeps on the raft.

[[left margin]](10)[[/left margin]] At 6.30 P.M. we came to quite a large stream, flowing from the S. about a verst in width, which I took to be the Krasnee, but was told it was only one of the mouths, and a half verst father, was surprised to find another stream, at least two versts in width, which was pointed out, as the main stream.

From the raft we could see about 10 versts up the river, which held its width. On the east bank is a long bluff, extending as far as we could see, while the land on the left side is all very low.

A little below the mouth of the river, at the foot of this bluff, we left another house and a supply of provisions for Lieut Macrae's party, erecting a tripod of the longest logs to designate the place to the constructing party.

[[left margin]] (20) [[/left margin ]] From here to the mouth of the Anadyr, both banks are high, the right being more rugged and