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Head Quarters U.D.A.D. W.U.T.
Markova U.E.S. May 28th 1867
Lt. Col. S. Abasa.

As stated in my last report I left the Station on Golden Gate Bay  Oct. 24th. Nov. 5th. taking with me, Mr. D.C. Norton, an interpreter, and two others, besides a supply of provisions to last us about 3 months, intending to send for others as soon as I reached Markova, and could obtain transportation for them, also make provision for supplying them from ^[[the]] Ghijigha Supply Depot as our supplies at the mouth of the river were so few that little could be spared from that post. The first four days out we encountered severe snow storms accompanied with cold Northern winds which checked our progress considerably and killed 4 of our dogs, but after leaving Tel. Bluff yourta had good roads and fine weather, and reached Markova