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at the mouth of the river, and burried, but owing to our ill success, was compelled to abandon the hope. It still lies at Tel. Bluffs, but as soon as the river is free ^[[enough]] of ice to admit of travelling I shall take a carbass and carry it to the mouth of the river.

The men on the Myan were very much discouraged and alarmed when their supplies gave out, but the arrival of fresh supplies encouraged them so much, that all whose term of service expired this year, have signed agreements for another year. They now make sport of their eating Horseflesh and some declare they prefer it to poor deer meat.

But their suffrings both from cold and want of food have been undoubtably great.

Should the vessel destined for the mouth of the Anadyr not arrive early, we may all have to undergo more privations and in the case of any accident happening to the vessel, it will be a very precarious position for all, as we cannot