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found Mr Robinsons body, just as it had been left in February by Lt Macrae, and gave it a temporary burial, intending to send up and have it removed to the Station. We found the Anadyr entirely free from ice, but upon rounding Cape "Large" encountered large masses of it in "Golden Gate Bay". The parties at the Station were in good health and spirits, having been very successful in fishing and hunting during the Spring.

They had lost one of their party, Mr. Charles Geddes carpenter of the barque "Golden Gate", who died April April 28th of remittent fever, complicated with acute rheumatism (see Lt. Robinsons report)

He was buried April 30th with every respect by his comrades, who attended in full uniform. Capt Harding read the service. After which a neat head board, with an appropriate inscription was raised over the grave to the memory of the deceased.

I was agreeably surprised to find that the Steamer "Wade" had just been launched as we reached the station. During the Spring her hull and wheel had been repaired boiler and pipes covered, and her machinery re-lined, so that she was in much better condition than in the fall before

The day after my arrival, we loaded her with coal, and the 28th of June, I started on her for Oschastika, where I intended to establish a temporary depot of supplies and material.

As the Steamer was not large enough to carry much cargo in addition to the coal she would consume