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The river was also falling very rapidly so that it was unsafe to remain so high up with the Steamer.
They also met Mr Harder who resigned last April. and notified him that if he wished to return to America it would be necessary for him to go to the Station and return on the "Clara Bell" but he left the Steamer in the night carrying his baggage with him, and in the morning was no where to be found. The Steamer arrived at the Station the 25th
I left the property that was abandoned at Myan Station in charge  of Evan Emechkof also letters to Capt Kennan who I understood would remain in the Country to settle the affairs of the Company.
We all felt much surprise and regret when we heard that the enterprise had been abandoned but congratulated ourselves that we had demonstrated the fact that it [[underline]] is [[/underline]] possible to connect the two continents by a telegraph line via Behrings Straits.
Most Respectfully
Your Obedient Serv't
(Signed) R.J. Bush