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The dogs through that country are too small to be made available for the use of this company.

The country on the eastern side of the mountains affords but little means of subsistence, there are reindeer, fish, rabbits, beaver, and some bears, but in such small quantities, that the natives had barely enough to subsist upon during the past winter. Through some years, they say, they have plenty. The reindeer inhabit the western slope of the mountains in greater numbers than on the eastern and are killed in larger quantities by the  Kallymute tribes. They also have an abundance of seal meat and oil, which they catch in the Arctic Ocean and Norton Bay, and fish from the mountain streams. 

After the lapse of six days, Lieut's Dyer and Adams not arriving, I proceeded with dogs and sleigh down the water shed of the Kangyuk, Inglutalik and Konik rivers to the latter stream, which I reached twelve (12) miles from Norton Bay. Following it to the mouth, I proceeded along the bay to Point Elonghclowahk, where I found Indians from Knek-mute, who informed me of your departure to Unalakhleet, where I immediately proceeded.

I remain
Your obedt. servant
(signed) [[signed]] R. D. Cotter [[/signed]]