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The equipment for sci. operations was good, but very little alcohol was furnished. About 40 gals in wood, was all. Some was left with Bishoff at Sitka, some used on this seasons operations; I reserved five, for my own use during the rest of the trip, and winter. I selected a small equipment, including two dredges, and all the rest, with all the books to be obtained, were left in Bannisters charge at St. Michaels. 
I must acknowledge myself a very poor hand at preparing birds or shooting them, but the other branches of collecting I have a good general knowledge of; and try to remedy my own defects by putting every body else up to getting birds. We left Kennicott at St. Michaels with a godspeed Sept [[strikethrough]]20 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[17.]] and made for Plover Bay, otherwise known as Port Providence, where Moore, in the "Plover" & with the "Herald" wintered in 1848-9 in search of Sir John Franklin. 

We arrived there Sept 25 found the steamer there, and watered, and left for Port St. Peter & Paul Sept. 29. From there we shall probably sail for San Francisco direct and I will finish this letter and accompany it with other papers for your perusal, after leaving that port. 
I would by the way, mention here while in my mind, Co. Bulkleys sounder of which one was sent to the S. I. 
It has been constantly in use on board and with every indication of success. I have obtained a number of fine marine invertebrates from it, among them some which I know