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ter of the harbor, and the multitude of mollusks and other marine invertebrates, is truly delightful.
  These beds will probably be worked. I think I can obtain the charge of the excavations as I have already served my apprenticeship at mining in Lake Superior. I would then go up as early as possible in the spring, with a party of from seven to twelve, remain till the last vessel should come up towards autumn and leave on board of her to winter at Petropavlovsk where I could obtain specimens of the fur animals, their bones and crania, and improve the winter in the interior very possibly. Local collections seem to me the only method by which we can obtain large results and careful scientific observations. Please let me have [[^as]] much advice as you can give, as much at length as your time will allow. Bischoff is at Sitka. I would send the old man up to Norton [[??]] as early as we can get him there to assist in the bird work and Mr. Nemmicott can then take charge of the whole work leaving me to do up Ounga in style. All this may & doubtless will, be modified by circumstances, before next spring but I intend to use this as a base, unless you you should judge it unadvisable. I will now leave the sci. work and refer to other important matters.