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to a point near its mouth about twenty versts east of Lower Anadyosk I estimated at about two hundred versts or nearly the same as that between Penjina and upper Anadyosk. There is a small stream known to the Kosaks as the Shlowootna which rises very near the source of the Myan but on the opposite side of the great dividing ridge or water shed and flows into the Penjuna river a short distance below the village. On this creek we found considerable timber, enough I think to furnish poles form the Penjina nearly to the source of the Myan, and up this creek I would build the line.
We have now explored the entirely different routes between Penjinsk Gulf and the Anadyosk river, one by the regular sledge road, impracticable on account of the scarcity of timber, and the other by the way of the rivers Aklan, Penjina, Slowootna and Myan. The distance by the latter route is about five hundred versts, but in the whole distance there are not more than eighty versts where it will be necessary to transport poles. The rivers all abound in fish and game of every description and furnish excellent sites for stations. The route throughout