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Prof Baird please send 2 drills and a blowpipe to each of the following & charge Chi Acad Sci

1. Joel Reeves Aimsworth Cook Co Ill.
[[marginalia, underlined]] Wells [[/marginalia, underlined]]

Send him S.I. & Post office Reports & canister to him.  He is king of Calument Marshes!

[[short line]]

2.  Fred J. Huse Evanston Cook Co Ill
[[marginalia, underlined]] Wells [[/marginalia, underlined]]

The most promising of any bird eggs boys

3. Garrett F. Lansing Evanston Ill - Good collector

4. Wm Dalliba     ) Cane Stimpson

5. Augustus Wright) at Chi Academy

These two with their chances are sure to get big things in eggs - they go to Lake Horicon Wis for two weeks last of May to hunt eggs. They are both good collectors. Delliba is the best.

[[strikethrough]] Frank H. Davis. A very clever fellow on mammals does not coll eggs [[/strikethrough]]

6. Flint Kennicott- Cane Stimpson Can make a superior collector- [[underlined]] He makes other people work![[/underline]]

[[marginalia, underlined]] Wells [[/marginalia, underlined]]

If possible let him have two sets egg instruments on deposit - He will lend one to some of his [underline]]sub[[/underline]] collectors.

Please write to him - He would work
his eyes out at your request - But please
remind him that he must do all the better
studying at school to pay for his "whack' at Natural History.

[[strikethrough]]7 Geo B. Armstrong Cane Stimpson - a good[[/strikethrough]] Amasa Kennicott Savannah Mo near [[?chgo]] now at The Grove, Ill.

[[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]]