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will make a [[underlined]] first rate [[/underlined]]
bird collector and I thought
you would like to get
into correspondence with
him. I've explained  your
wishes and doing in cent
amer orinthology and have
advised strongly his trying
whether you will not
sell his birds for him.
Please send Mr Holland
S.I. pamphlet of instructions and
an S.I. Report or two. [[smudge]]
Mr Holland tells me he will
be glad to help the S.I. - He
would be glad to make it [[underlined]]pay[[/underlined]]
but still feels inclined to
work for science. Mr H is
a P.B. and youd better get
acquainted with him
yours truly
R Kennicott

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[circular stamp]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION APR 15 1885 [[/circular stamp]]

Nicaragua Transit Co's office
Graytown April 3rd /65

Dear Prof Baird
Mr H.E. Holland

The Chief Engineer of the land
transit and stationed here
is collecting birds somewhat
extensively - He has only
recently begun, but makes
very good skins.
He is sending his skins
to Knider and others for
sale - Mr Holland does not
yet know what price he'll
get- Knider told him he
would probably get 75ยข to $1.
each all through.
I believe Mr Holland will

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 reviewed 28 September 2017 - The right hand page is meant to be read first - Transcriber typos: -- year is "1865" in the original -- "ornithology" is spelled correctly in the original ----------------------- - Someone is transcribing "bird" as "hind" or "hand"... these are ornithologists talking.