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up the river we being up to our waists in the water in a temperature of 90 [[degree symbol]] to 95 [[degree symbol]] I was sick a few days at Graytown but twas from the most unpardonable imprudence.

We got a few Reptiles and insects on the upper San Juan - 1 land shell and a small [[nuio?]]! We were only a few hours on the Pacific at San Juan del Sur, but got a number of Crustacea and Shells.

I found Frank Rogers ^[[insertion]] local agent [[/insertion]] at San Juan del Sur a very intelligent active man well educated and good material for a first rate collector He said he would pitch in and collect all he could- He cannot skin birds however tho he says he'd be glad to learn.
I found another man at Virgin Bay Lake Nicaragua (Capt Max Tusk) an employee of the Co who says he'll try to collect - A young Dr Downing who has been some time in the country and now goes to practice at Granada Nicaragua was with us some time and we cultivated him extensively - I believe he has fallen a victim to the Great Spirit "Chikun" and will do something- The Great difficulty

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 reviewed Sept 2017 transcriber typo- "." after "95�" "Chikun" may be "Chi kun" [life energy, chi kung/ qi gong]