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[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]]

[[circular blue ink stamp]]
JUN 25 1865
[[/circular blue ink stamp]]


a Natural-History, exploration of the whole line of operations by land & sea as is possible, without interfering with the more legitimate objects of the Exp'd.- Under his instructions I have made out a requisition for a much more complete outfit than I brought with me.- He himself [[underlined]] certainly [[/underlined]] takes a deep interest in our making a big & thourough collection.  I could not desire greater interest on his part.  His ambition in the matter, takes a much higher form, than could be expected from an ordinary Commander.  He refuses to have his name on the labels, and at his urgent request I have surprressed the old ones, and had a new lot printed with the following heading

"Western-Union Col. Behring's Strait. Telegraph Exp'd."

each collector to write his own name, with locality &c. - The Colonel ^[[however]] says, that when he collects a speciment [[underlined]] himself [[/underlined]] we will find him ready enough to attach his name to it.  He is an extremly modest man, yet with plenty of self respect, and will, I believe fully appreciate the value, of such a reputation, will necessarly become his, through the enormous collections made by this Exp'd.  He is also as fully determined as I am that everything shall go direct to the Smithsonian - Institution, according to our arrangement.  He has a very correct idea of the value of your services to the Comp. & himself, and of they working of the S.I.  As he is an old regular Navy & Army officer, he has a certain amount of respect for red tape, that often prevents my putting things through in the slape-dash style I like best.  I do not think however, there will be any mistakes or any going back from a position once assumed.