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[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] ^[[5 6222]] [[circular stamp]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. JUN 25 1865 [[/circular stamp]] I do not think J.Y. Scammon appreciates his brother or knows how much of a man he is. Col. Bulkley chose him in prefference to any Naval-Officer or Merchants Capt. here.- It might be well for you to put a spoke in his wheel when ever you write to Chicago.- I cannot now explain fully the situation in regard to Telegraph-Operations, when I arrived here Col. B. talked very freely with me about his plans for the entire operations and they were certainly excellent as regards general organization. I did not like the idea of giving up the Natural-History operations to go in charge of a large party by way of Frazer-river and Dease house, as first proposed - but I was of course quite too loyal to him to object; and I made up my mind that I could & would do all the exploration & preliminary work from Frazer-river to the ^[[mouth of]] Youkon on time, economicaly and well.- I worked very hard and got things in good train and could have started early in May. I had chosen Rothrock, as a sort of Chief of Staff with Pope for the Telegraphic-Engineer ^[[& also]] a good Astronomers Map makers &c I felt confident of brilliant success. About a week after my arrival and when my plans [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] were pretty well organized I found Col. B. suddenly become dissatisfied and what you might call a little sulky with me - He did not tell me what
Transcription Notes:
Seems to be a bit of a doodle going on around the "I" of the sentence "I worked very hard..."