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24 [[space]] folio

This would probably be done by way of Dease river and the upper Liand which is certainly a safe route for the line. I might however find a better route via Lewis river.

In proportion ^ [[insertion]] as Dease Lake [[/insertion]] is farther North west than represented on the maps, and Lewis River correctly so - and the Mountains passable - and the Lakes few - will I be apt to carry my main Party direct to Lewis River 


I [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] propose to use the men as follows [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]]

To explore the Peace and Finlay rivers [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] 2

To establish Depot as Babine Lake  10

For transportation to Dease Lake  5

For actual Explorations from Babine to Dease Lake 5


For Depot at Dease Lake  4

" [[ditto: For]] Commissary Messingers  2

" [[ditto: For]] Messengers to Fort Halkete. Liard Simpson
and beyond [[bracket]] 3