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H.B. folk - Rothnock had backed Pope a little and acted a little foolishly toward me but he certainly meant to be perfectly honorable - He was in reality the virtual commander of the Exped.

The party did take take as good an outfit as they might have done (owing to too much respect for "army regulations") & I felt a little anxious - I got Col Bulkleys statement that he would in no way hold me responsible for any failure in his plans owing to want of satisfactory explorations south of Dease Lake - and whether he is really weak enough to care whether it appears that I have or have not been specially instrumental in the matter I dont think he would fail to exonerate me from any blame -

When Rothnock gets through to Dease Lake he will I think find considerable advantge from what I furnished him in the way of letters messages to Indians etc. 

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 Rothnoch is Rothrock in the original