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value of your services to the teleg co and even seems inclined to ignore any ^[[great]] personal instrumentality on my own part in giving information etc. - So far as crediting any [[strikethrough]] work [[/strikethrough]] ^[[services]] to the S.I. goes I'm glad of it as it [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] places me in a less prominent position and so less liable to envy and jealousy.

Dall accompanies the main marine exped as my principal assistant in the Scientific Dpt ^[[with no other work]]. He is very honest, energetic business like and capable. - His conduct has been most sensible and excellent through out. - He will return to Frisco in winter with Col Bulkley and hopes to make a descent on the Southern Coast. - Please write to Dall care of Hubbard and tell Stym to do so too next winter.

Bischoff I will leave at Ft St Michals in Morton Sound where he will winter and be ready for Spring operations when he may be joined by some of my party sent down the Youkon. Bischoff will have almost his entire time for collecting and will have an easy berth.

Bannister was  sent back by Pope & Rothnuck and is now at New Westminster I have asked the Col to let me take

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 reviwed Sept 2017 - transcriber uses "^[[" for insertion. The whole note is hand written. - Morton was Norton in original - Rothnuck was Rothrock in original